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Kindia most expensive fish Seachem De-Nitrate

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Kindia most expensive fish Seachem De-Nitrate


most expensive fish Seachem De-Nitrate

Hi bros, anyone using this? Any experiences to share on it?
As Im unable to get Purigen, I settled down with De-Nitrate to combat my Nitrate issue.
Honestly I never knew this product existed as it was unheard of till I saw it on the shelves.
Required low oxygen levels for anaerobic de-nitrification, after some brain storming...I decided to slot it into the narrow gaps between the sump compartments where water transits into the last compartment which should have the least oxygen due to the BB in the previous compartments. This placement hopefully will force water to come into contact with the product. I felt that my MarinaPure block lacks "forced" contact with water as I had no space to place it strategically.
1litre of De-Nitrate in a $2 pouch.
Hope to share some good news on my Nitrate levels after 1 week. Im still hunting for Purigen meanwhile...
Thanks for dropping by, have a nice day!
Seaview left with only the big bottle.
>I mean purigen.
>Used this before but result not as prompt and visible than purigen. In the end, I left in my sump.
>Originally Posted by nescafe Seaview left with only the big bottle. Thanks bro, will check them out when Im free
>Read on their website.. ideal water flow less than 200L per hr for optimal results.
>i think the bb for nitrate needs much longer time to establish.
>I think seachem matrix is more suitable for your case.
Bcuz seachem claimed that de-nitrate is only suitable when the water flow rate below 200L/hr, so if any flow rate more than that they recommended matrix.
As matrix de-nitrate is the same material just 1 is bigger another is smaller if i not mistaken
>Should get purigen as it will battle nitrate better.
>must dose denific bacteria and some form of hydrocarbon.
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