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Kindia Does large WC stimulates breeding?

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Kindia Does large WC stimulates breeding?


Does large WC stimulates breeding?

As above. Do rays mate or give birth to youngs during large water changes in captivity? Ive heard of many instances whereby rays give birth during raining season in the wild. Whats your take?
I would say yes. Sometimes to make rays or plenty of other species of fish mate is to increase food and/or do large waterchanges. what this does is shows that there is plenty of food and this is good for the momma ray cause there is plenty of food to go around. and what the large waterchanges do is for one is great for clean water and thats a must but also what this does is in a way is like the rainy season. and when it rains the waters elevate and in the wild this is when there is the most food and lots of room to move around.
this is how i feel about it anyway. so i would say yes and even if it doesent its still good for the ray.
>Thats one way to interpret it.
Large volume WC (Captive) or rain (Wild) = Availability of Food.
I do agrees with you on water elevation during rain or high tide resulting in more fish/organisms movement and these are sources of food intake for many fishes in the wild. So I guess these are the survival instinct in animals.
Food availability = less time spend on hunting and more time spend making babies.
I think youre beginning to think like a stingray....whahaha
Thanks Jeff!
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